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Newlands Junior School

We are Proud

Character Education

Character Education


At Newlands, our aim is to develop pupils into well-rounded, active citizens, with a variety of skills and attitudes which can be recognised and celebrated. These attributes aim to enable pupils to fulfil their potential at school, promoting good physical and mental wellbeing as well as developing aspirations and positive social behaviours for the future. Clear leadership cascades a strong vision for character and personal education throughout the school and ensures this is at the forefront of all we do. 


Character education is promoted through:

Our core values - Pride, Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

British values - respect and tolerance, rule of law, democracy, individual liberty

Proteted characteristics - inclusion, respect, effects of discrimination, consequences

Learning powers - Resillience, Determination, Reflection, Resourcefulness, Collaboration, Planning, Questioning, Reasoning, Perseverance and Managing Distractions

Strengthening physical and mental health - 30 minutes active, skip2Bfit, outdoor learning, Each Amazing Breath (breathing exercises), mental health days, ELSA support, Motional interventions

Developing cultural capital - providing enriching opportunities which expose pupils to new places, people and events in order to inspire and motivate

Our Citizenship curriculum - providing opportunities to volunteer, support charities, make changes e.g. looking after the environment 

Responsibilities within school - school council, kindness crew, buddie readers, sports crew

Assemblies- a core value is introduced weekly and celebrated each Friday

Whole school events - multicultural week, aspirations week, diversity week, anti-bullying week

Community involvement - grandparents events, visiting care homes, fund raising, working with charities

Our curriculum - designed to meet the needs of our school community

Extra curricular activities - computing, reading, craft, catch up boosters, kindness, school council

Sporting events and competitions - at lunchtimes, across other schools and boys and girls football


Paralympic Week - 13th January 2025.

This week we have Ian Richards, Express Coaching, at our school promoting disability sports. He will be coaching different skills and techniques whilst using a wheelchair.

Handball Skills

Archery Skills

Mental Health Support Team

On Wednesday 8th and Friday 10th January the Mental Health Team came into school to work with Year 4, 5 and 6 on self- esteem, positivity and affirmation. They watched video clips, had discussions and did some follow up work from their discussions.

Jingle Jog

On Friday 13th December the whole school took part in a few laps around the school field. They wore their santa hats. Parents and carers came to watch.

Kingsmill Hospital

On Friday 6th December the choir went to sing at Kingsmill Hospital. They cheered everyone up and raised lots of money for the hospital.  

Hello Yellow

Thursday 10th October 2024

The Year 4 children did an assembly for their charity  Young Minds which supports positive mental health amongst young people. Hello Yellow is an annual event to promote the work they do.

Anti-bullying Week - 11th November 2024

We launched the week by all wearing odd socks.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly - 26th July 2024

A tearful assembly as the children sung farewell songs, shared happy memories they have of school and looked at photos of when they were younger. How grown up they look!

Good luck to all the Year 6 leavers.

Year 6 Leavers Disco - July 24th 2024

The Year 6 children had fun at their end of year disco. Lots of dancing, eating and having fun! 

Year 6's Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

Year 6 ended the year with their production. It was an excellent production! Lots of great singing, dancing acting and narrating. Each class also took it in turns to be part of the choir and support the singing.

Lots of positive feedback from everyone that came to see it. Well done Year 6!

Outdoor Learning Day

The Year 6 children had to build a shelter, using natural materials, for their Lego figure to survive for any length of time in the wilderness.

They had to find a suitable location for the shelter, plan and discuss what the shelter will look like and consider the resources their group would need.


Year 4 to the Nursing Home

A few of the Year4 children went to the nursing home to sing WW2 songs.


Anti - bullying Assembly November 2023

This year's theme was 'Make a noise about bullying.' We learned all about the effects of bullying and how to deal with them. We ended the week by sharing the information with our parents/carers.



School Mosaic November 2023

We were fortunate to have David Dawson from Mosaic Madness in school for four days to produce a large mosaic mural with our school's four core values: 

Pride, Responsibility, Kindness and Respect.

The whole school took part in adding their own little touch to the mosaic.