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Newlands Junior School

We are Proud

Early Man

Early Man

Year 3 will be transported back to the Stone Age. Travel back in time with us as we learn about the Paleolithic (old Stone Age), Mesolithic (middle Stone Age) and Neolithic (new Stone Age) followed by the Iron Age and Bronze Age. We will become archaeologists and discover key artefacts from the past, whilst creating lines of enquiry based on these. We will delve into the lives of the Early Man, understanding where they came from, what Doggerland is and what their lives looked like during each historical period. Standby and prepare to be amazed as we update you with our excellent work and trips! 


Our first two weeks at Newlands 

In our first 2 weeks at Newlands, we have been working incredibly hard. In Maths, we have been studying place value and addition and subtraction. We have been learning how to make exchanges during the subtraction of two three-digit numbers and the place value of a number which includes hundreds, tens and ones. 

In History, we have began our Early Man topic, learning the Early Man came from France, Italy and Norway. We learnt they trekked across a piece of land called Doggerland, which no longer exists! We used time at the beginning of our first lesson to create our own lines of enquiry, exploring what we would like to find out in this topic. Our writing has focused on the mystical, magical Dream Giver and we will be using this to produce a creative story setting and character. 

Christmas Party Day

Year 3 children enjoying their Christmas party on Wednesday 18th December 

Creswell Crags

On Thursday 5th December the Year 3 children went to Creswell Crags. When they got there they were  split into 3 groups: The wolves, the reindeers and the hyena tribe.

They took part in survival skills - making shelters, making fires and hunting bison.

They explored a real Paleolithic cave and became Stone Age artists. 

They had a fantastic day.

Year 3 Children in Need Day

On Friday 15th November 2024 the Year 3 children shared their rap 'respect means' in the Anti Bullying Assembly. They also performed it outside on the playground.

The rap 'Respect Means'

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Children in Need

Friday 15th November the Year 3 children raised money for Children in Need. They all brought in cakes to sell. They raised £340. Well done Year 3!

Problem Solving

The Year 3 children took part in problem solving activities. They had great fun working in groups to solve the problems.


On Monday 14th October the children used their DT skills to make roundhouses. They were experimenting with different joins.

Maths Fun!

The children have been learning different techniques to learn their times tables.

Rolling numbers

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Rolling numbers

Still image for this video

RE - Outdoor Learning

Thursday 10th October the Year 3 children went outside to create pictures to retell the creation story. They used natural materials.

RE visit to the Hindu Temple

- Thursday 3rd October 2024


Maths - Place Value

Maths- Addition and Subtraction