Pastoral Support
If you are worried about your child's behaviour at home or happiness at school, you may find the following information useful.
Our pastoral lead is Mrs Smith. If you need to contact her at any time please make an appointment at reception or call school on 01623 480440. Alternatively you can send a message to the school office on and she will get back to you.
She is able to answer questions on SEND and pastoral needs, find you information on support available and coordinate support from different services. If you are worried or finding things difficult, she is here to listen and to help.
If you are a Year 2 or Year 6 parent in particular, and are worried about transition between schools, please contact Mrs Smith as soon as possible to discuss what support we can provide.
We are able to offer a wide range of support including -
- Bereavement
- Impact of divorce
- Anger
- Night time bed-wetting
- Friendships
- Attachment
- Trauma
- Attendance / Punctuality
If you are in need of support for any reason, please ask and we will do our best to help you. We support the whole family not just the children in our care.
We use a wide range of resources to support children including -
- MOTIONAL (to identify the core reasons for behaviours)
- Social Stories
- Books
- Online clips and pictures
The whole school is involved in Every Amazing Breath / Take 5 to support calm breathing techniques. At break times our Sports Leaders, Play Leaders and Health Mentors are available to support children.
Useful contacts include:
Healthy Families Team (including the School Nurse): 01623 791025
Schools and Families Specialist Services(SFSS): 0115 8546464
Ask Us Nottinghamshire (formerly the Parent Partnership Service): 0800 1217772
Sherwood Area Partnership supports Social Emotional Mental Health needs
Many of our children transfer to Garibaldi Academy for Year 7. The SENCO there is Tom Voice and Hannah Brown coordinates pastoral support: 01623 464220
The SENCO at Samworth Church Academy is Adam Cave.
MASH (Multi Agency safeguarding Hub) for safeguarding issues: 0300 500 8090
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) can be contacted directly by parents using a simple online form, alternatively school can make a referral with you.