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Newlands Junior School home page

Newlands Junior School

We are Proud


Science Subject Policy

Science Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Whole School Sticky Knowledge

Animals including humans (Year 3)

Living things and their habitats (Year 4)

Living things and their habitats (Year 5)

Websites and Resources 

Links for Children and Parents 


Games and Apps

Places to Visit 

National Science Museum- London


National Science and Media Museum - Bradford


National Science and Industry Museum - Manchester


Magna- Rotherham


Yorkshire Wildlife Park

A fantastic place to learning about living things and the habitats they live in. The keepers have a fantastic knowledge about animals and hold regular talks throughout the day where you can learn more information.


Eureka- Halifax

A fantastic place to explore Science and generate a love and curiosity for the natural world. They also have some incredible workshops.

Books to Read


Take a trip to the website above and explore some fabulous Science related books which link to all topics.

Making Homes for Nature

Below are some ideas for making your own wildlife sanctuary at home from the RSPB.  

Make sure you get an adult to look at the instructions with you before you start and help you.