Meet the School Council Archive: 2023 - 2024
Meet Our School Council
Autumn Term 2023
School council got off to a super start this year and settled really well into their roles producing school council promises and introducing themselves for our school council display. They have already shown themselves to be responsible and hard working role models.
November 2023
School Council and Kindness Crew joined together to plan Anti-Bullying Week and present the assembly to the whole school and parents. The theme for Anti-Bullying Week was 'MAKE A NOISE ABOUT BULLYING!'
December 23
School Council and Kindness Crew joined together again in the autumn term to plan, make posters and help out at the Christmas fayre and carols around the tree. These events were a great success!
Spring Term
At the beginning of the spring term, school council presented a healthy eating initiative in assembly. Fruit tokens are given to everyone who brings a healthy fruit snack to school. The class with the most tokens each week will win a fruit hamper to enjoy.
January 24
The school council spent time looking at the rewards children across the school can earn when they spend their dojos. They went back to their classes and asked for their opinions. We then considered thes as a council and came up with new dojo rewards. We made posters to go in the classrooms.