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Newlands Junior School

We are Proud

The Victorians and the Industrial Revolution

We love learning about the Victorians in Year 6!

We learn about the Victorians in the autumn term.

We begin by learning about the daily life of a variety of Victorians and end our topic by inviting our parents and carers to join us in taking Afternoon Tea.

If you want to find out more about what we cover, please look at our topic overview and knowledge organiser below.

As the topic progresses, we will add more of our learning to this page.

Christmas Party Day

On 18th December the Year 6 enjoyed their Christmas party.

Newstead Abbey - 27th November 2024

Year 6 had a great time at Newstead Abbey stepping back into the Victorian times.


Wednesday 6th November the Year 6 children did some printing in the style of William Morris.


On Monday 4th the Year 6 children were looking at camera angles in art.

Puzzle Solving Day

We had a problem solving day. It was lots of fun!

Practical work with fractions

P.E. Street Dance

Still image for this video
We were lucky enough to have an outside provider come to teach us Street Dance. Here we are after a few sessions.

More street dance

Still image for this video

Spanish - my family

Still image for this video

DT: Moving toys with cams (making a prototype)

DT: Moving toys with cams (making)

DT: Moving toys with cams (finished products)

Citizenship (Scenarios dealing with discrimination against protected characteristics)

Outdoor learning as an inspiration for our lino printing