Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Here you will find three teachers:
Mr Robinson teaches Class 5, whilst Ms Elliott and Miss Redman share Class 6.
We are lucky enough to have three amazing TAs working with us too, Mrs Gibbs, Miss Wild and Mrs Thornton.
Year 5 is always a hive of activity, constantly striving to become the best learners that we can be.
There are 2 topics in Year 5 - North and South America and London.
If you click on the links below, you will find out more about each topic.
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Children need to come in their P.E. kits on those days. Please remember that children need to wear navy shorts (knee length) and a plain white T-shirt for P.E. When it gets cold, the children can wear a plain black or navy hoodie and tracksuit bottoms.
Children should try to leave earrings at home on P.E. days, as they will take them out for the lessons anyway. If children cannot remove earrings they will need to bring their own tape. Long hair needs to be fastened back with a bobble.
When we are not in our P.E. kit, we must always wear our uniform. Don't forget that trousers and skirts should be grey (not too short and not too tight), shoes should be black and ties should be worn.
Children need to bring their reading book and diary every day. We expect children to read at least five times at home every week. Please support us in this by signing their diary every time they read. Children also need to bring their water bottle every day. It is very important they stay hydrated. We do have drinking water in school, so they can always refill them with no problems. They must take them home every day in order for them to be cleaned.
Homework will be sent out every week on a Friday and needs to be handed in by Wednesday at the latest. There will generally be spellings, and a piece of Maths and English work too. In the front cover of their reading diary, the children have all of their logins for a range of websites we use in Year 6. Please encourage them to go on to keep their skills sharp. We may also put homework from or EdShed for the children to complete too - but we would let you know via Marvellous Me. Rapid Recall is a focus for us at Newlands. The children can always practise their recall skills whenever they have a spare moment.