Website links
Purple Mash Award-winning website. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and exciting way. Log on through our School's Homepage
- practice for the grammar & punctuation online tests: Test your knowledge and understanding.
Prodigy Maths A fantastic, fun game full of imaginary, mythical worlds riddled with mathematical puzzles and problems to solve!
TT Rockstars Be a Rockstar! Battle your peers to earn a top-spot on the Rockstar Leaderboard.
Online safety sites
Think u know Advice, resources and videos to inform your safe choices online.
Safer Internet SID - watch SID tv videos, take quizzes and understand online scenarios and how best to deal with them.
NSPCC keeping our children safe online - 02, NSPCC.
Childnet Childnet - helping to make the internet a great and safe place for children.