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Newlands Junior School

We are Proud


 Concerns and Complaints

It is within everyone's interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. At Newlands we aim to work with parents/carers to support you and your child's needs. If at any time you have a concern, please raise this with your child's class teacher. We need to know if you or your child is unhappy, so never feel you are wasting our time by coming to talk to us. At this stage we hope any issues can be resolved. If this isn't the case, make an appointment to see one of our assistant heads, SENCo or Head Teacher. Through positive communication, we aim to work together positively to ensure your child's experience at Newlands  is safe, happy and fulfilling.

Should all communication break down and you feel the need to submit a formal complaint, please complete the form within the policy stating both the issue and how you would like this to be resolved. Return this to the Head Teacher, or if the complaint relates to the Head Teacet send to the Chair of Governors.