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Newlands Junior School home page

Newlands Junior School

We are Proud

Special Educational Needs

If your child has a Special Educational Need, you may find the following information useful.

Our SENCo is Ms Elliott. We also have a SEN Assistant/ELSA who is Mrs Smith.


If you need to contact them at any time, please make an appointment at reception or call school on 01623 480440. Alternatively you can send a message to the school office on and either Ms Elliott or Mrs Smith will get back to you.


They are able to answer questions on SEND and pastoral needs, find you information on support available and coordinate support from different services. If you are worried or finding things difficult, they are here to listen and to help - our door is always open and the kettle is always on! 


If you are a Year 2 or Year 6 parent in particular, and are worried about transition between schools, please contact Ms Elliott as soon as possible to discuss what support we can provide.


Change is difficult for many children, and is a particularly difficult time for children with SEN. Many children will have questions that you may not know how to answer. The documents below may help prepare children for changes of school or year group. There are useful activities here that you can explore as a family, allowing children to explore change in a safe environment. As always, if you have concerns or your child is worried please let school know.

Useful contacts:

Schools and Families Specialist Services(SFSS): 0115 8546464

Ask Us Nottinghamshire (formerly the Parent Partnership Service): 0800 1217772

Sherwood Area Partnership supports Social Emotional Mental Health needs 


Many of our children transfer to Garibaldi Academy for Year 7. The SENCO there is Tom Voice and Katie Bullimore coordinates pastoral support: 01623 464220

The SENCO at Samworth Church Academy is Adam Cave.


MASH (Multi Agency safeguarding Hub) for safeguarding issues: 0300 500 8090


CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) can be contacted directly by parents using a simple online form, alternatively school can make a referral with you.


The Early Help Unit supports the whole family and can be contacted on 01623 433500 or school can refer using an EHAF