Regular attendance at school ensures that children get the best possible start in life. Good attendance supports learning, the development of social skills and friendships, as well as building good habits that are essential for adult life. School education lays the vital foundations for a child to be successful in the future.
Attendance is always a high priority at Newlands where we have a minimum expectation of 96% for every child.
In August 2024, the DfE introduced, new guidance which all schools must follow, stating no holidays will be authorised during school time. If parents/carers still wish to remove their child from education during term-time, a Request to Remove a Child from Education form must be submitted.
Any request to remove your child from education for 5 days (10 sessions) over a ten-week rolling period could lead to the local authority issuing a penalty notice or prosecution under section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996. This can also be applied if a child has 3 separate absences in a 10 week period ie, 3 days holiday and 2 illnesses. Arriving after 9.05am is classed as an absence.
- If a Penalty Notice is issued for an offence of unauthorised absence, there will be a fine of up to £160 per pupil, per parent (£80 if paid within 21 days)
- A second offence in a three year period will attract a fine of £160 per pupil, per parent with no reductions.
- Schools cannot issue a third penalty notice in 3 years, and other sanctions will be implemented. This can include a parenting order or prosecution.
If you are prosecuted and attend court because your child hasn’t been attending school, you could get a fine of up to £2,500.
These changes will have a massive impact on families. If you have any concerns, please speak to the head teacher. We do not want to see our families issued with prosecutions and huge fines, therefore we need to ensure children are in school every day possible.
If you are worried your child may be ill 3 times within a 10 week period please ensure school are aware and doctors notes are maintained for each absence.