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Newlands Junior School

We are Proud

Enrichment Gallery



Enrichment activities play a crucial role in extending the learning experiences we offer as a school. These allow us to develop skills and strengths beyond the classroom as well as enhance learning with visits and vistors. Key skills such as teamwork, social skills, confidence and self-esteem can be developed. It is also an opportunity to able to provide experiences for pupils which they may not otherwise experience. 

Our Gallery 2024 -2025

Year 3 went to Creswell Crags

On Thursday 5th December the Year 3 children went to Creswell Crags to explore what it was like in the Paleolithic times.

Year 6 at Newstead Abbey - 27th November 2024

Stepping back into the Victorian times.

Year 5 Explorer Day - 14/11/24

Year 4 - Lincoln Museum

On the 16th October the Year 4 children went to the Lincoln Museum to learn about Romans as part of their topic. 

Southwell Minster

Year 5 went to Southwell Minster to learn about space and earth.

RE Visits

Year 5 went to the Gurdwara. 

Year 6 went to the Mosque

Year 3 went to the Hindu Temple

Year 6 residential to Hagg Farm

At the beginning of September the children had a fantastic few days at Hagg Farm. They learnt to canoe, climb walls, orienteer and lots more!


Our Gallery 2023 - 2024

Year 3 -Coal miner visit - 26th July 2024

David Coleman came in to talk to the children about his experiences working as a coal miner. He cam dressed up and brought some interesting artefacts with him. The children asked lots of question. It was a great way to end their topic of coal mining.

Whole school drumming - July 5th 2024

Primary Workshop for Schools came into school for the day to teach the children Samba drumming. The Laurie, who was leading the workshops, said how well behaved and enthusiastic the children were. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Year 6 to the Galleries of Justice

The Year 6 children went to the Galleries of Justice, as part of their topic on Crime and Punishment. What a great day out!

Year 5 at Perlethorpe -  18th June 2024

The Year 5 children had lots of fun and learning new skills when they went to Perlethorpe. They took part in Orienteering, natural art collages and did a river study.

Year 4 Bomber Command Day

The Year 4 children enjoyed visiting the Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln as part of their

World War2  topic.

Year 4 Visit to Magna

Year 4 had lots of fun learning about the states of matter. They explored the 4 pavilions air, fire, water and earth.

Year 6 Drumming February 2024

We invited Davis into our school to deliver an African musical workshop, to enhance our topic on Africa.

By the end of the session, the children had perfected a performance complete with solo singers, expressive dancers and an extremely rhythmic band!


Whole School Escape Rooms Day - February 2023

The whole school had fun and lots of challenges trying to unlock the boxes. They had to solve different riddles and clues using their maths skills. They had to race against the clock!

Year 4 at Veolia

Year 4 went to visit Veolia to find out all about recycling. They led an assembly to teach the rest of the school what things can be recycled and reused. They are now responsible for going around the school emptying the recycle bins each week and putting it into the large recycling bin outside.

Year 5 London Visit and Lion King April 24 

As part of our topic we had a bus tour around London and saw the West End Show Lion King.



Year 3 Egyptian Day

Year 3 had a marvellous day learning about the Ancient Egyptians. They all took part and enjoyed all the activities.

Whole school trip to the Pantomime

The whole school went to see Beauty and the Beast at the Palace Theatre in Mansfield. They had lots of fun shouting and singing!


Year 5 Explorer Day

Simon, a real life explorer, shared all the amazing experiences he has had as the animals and tribes he has encountered during his many years of exploring the Amazon Rainforest.


Christmas crafts  - December 2023

Sue and Alan from the Methodist Church came to the school to deliver Christmas workshops. They retold the Christmas story.


As part of our RE work at Newlands each year group learns about a different faith alongside Christianity.


The Year 3 trip to the Hindu Temple

We visited the Open Centre in Derby where we learned about the story of Diwali and then made our own Divas.

We also got to visit a Hindu Temple and see the spectacular display, learning about the deities they worship and their one true god in different forms.

The Year 4 visit to the Synagogue

In Year 4 we learn about Judaism, so we visited the Open Centre in Derby to find out about the Jewish faith and what it is like in the Synagogue.


Year 5's trip to the Gurdwara

Year 5 went to the Gurdwara on a cultural visit to learn about the religion Sikhism. We tasted Asian food and looked at different artefacts.

Year 6's visit to the Mosque

On Wednesday 14th October the Year 6 children travelled to the Open Centre in Derby to where we enjoyed looking around a Mosque, dressing up in Asian wedding dresses and having henna patterns painted on our hands.

Year 5's visit to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Children in Year 5 had a lovely day at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We looked at different animals and their habitats. We learnt about the different layers in the rainforest and which animals live there.

The Year 4's trip to Lincoln - October 2023

As part of our Roman topic in history we visited The Collection in Lincoln. We looked at artefacts and learnt about what it would be like living in the Roman times.

Year 3 Creswell Crags

The Year 3 children went to Creswell Crags to deepen their knowledge of the Stone Age Paleolithic Period. 

We visited a paleolithic cave, made Stone Age art and took part in a Stone Age hunt. We had bison for dinner. Lots of children thought it would be fun to live during the Stone Age times!

Year 6 visit to Newstead Abbey - November 2023

All the Year 6 children went to Newstead Abbey to learn about a Victorian Christmas. They had an absolutely fabulous time!



The year 6 residential visit to Hagg Farm - September 2023

The Year 6 had a long coach journey to Hagg Farm. They had so many exciting activities planned for them, including exploring a cave or canoeing, local walks, bush craft, fire making and orienteering plus lots more!

To see more photos of what they experienced, please go to Enrichment - Character Education - Residentials.











Our Gallery 2022-2023

Multicultural Week

Lots of singing, food tasting, dancing and learning about different cultures!

The death of Queen Elizabeth II

Following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we came together as a school and a community to send our deepest condolences to King Charles. Each year group wrote special messages to the queen in a book of remembrance, we also invited member of our school community to write their own messages. We will be sending our book off to King Charles with our finished messages.

Friday 7th October 2022 - Our 'Mini Marathon'

The whole school ran their very first sponsored mini marathon taking inspiration from the Great London Marathon over the weekend. All the children were super athletes, showing great resilience and sportsmanship. We hope to have raised lots of money for new PE equipment

World Book Day 2023

This year we read books about hair and had a theme of 'Mad Hair'.

One of our activities was to give an egg a 'mad hair-do'.

Our gallery 2021-2022

Raising money for Juvenile Arthritis sufferers

Anti-bullying competition winners

Our Easter Competition Winners

Our Year 3 winners!


Our Year 4 winners!

Our Year 5 winners!

Our Year 6 winners!

World Book Day 2022

This year, we all came to school dressed as a piece of vocabulary.

We created a book in a box - it was very intricate work!

We created a book taster menu all about our favourite books.

We finished the day with our oldest children sharing books with our youngest children.