Year 4 Mrs Boulton & Miss Wells
Mrs Boulton and Miss Wells would like to welcome you to year 4. We have an extremely busy but exciting year ahead. This year we will be learning all about the Invaders and Settlers in Britain, Italy and World War II. Throughout the year we have several visits planned to enhance our children's learning and provide lots of first hand experience! We will be visiting The Collection in Lincoln to find out more about the Romans in the Autumn term, we will be visiting Magna as part of our Science curriculum during the spring term and during the summer term we will be visiting the Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln to learn more about World War II. In addition we will be developing links with a local care home which we will visit throughout the year to sing some songs to the residents.
World War II Evacuee Day
Year have been learning all about World War II during the Summer Term. As an end to their topic they have invited parents and carers in to see some of their work. All the children will be dressed up as Evacuees, singing songs and sharing their writing. They have been busy making things ready for their showcase afternoon.
Year 4 went to All Saints Church to learn about Holy Communion with Reverend Claire as part of their RE topic.
Year 4 had lots fun learning about the states of matter. They explored the 4 pavilions air, fire, water and earth.
We had a lovely time when we visited a local care home to sing our Easter songs. The residents really enjoyed it!
Extra Curricular Activities
Year 4 invited their Grandparents in to take part in Christmas activities. They were all given a bacon cob or veggie sausage cob and a cup of tea or coffee.
Grandparents Easter Crafts
It was wonderful to be joined by so many of our year 4 parents and grandparents for our Easter crafts. We all had a lovely time making and decorating Easter baskets, we even added a chocolate egg at the end. Whilst we went back to class our grown up enjoyed a hot drink and a bacon roll.
Year 4 took part in a Methodist Christmas Workshop.
Year 4 produced some fabulous non-chronological reports all about Italy, their intended audience was year 3. They then shared their Italy reports with year 3.
During our maths lessons we like to be active learners when solving problems.
The Escape Room
Year 4 children enjoyed an 'Escape Room' activities that involved a variety of maths challenges. They had to solve different clues to unlock various padlocks in order to find the key. This was all against the clock! They really enjoyed themselves.
We have been learning about symmetry in shapes.
We really enjoyed exploring and making working electrical circuits.
As part of their Citizenship curriculum, year 4 learnt all about pressure groups, they then created their own pressure to tackle the issue of paper recycling within our school. We contacted the county council and they agreed to provide us with a school bin to recycle our paper, cardboard and plastic. Two members of the recycling team also visited the children in school and talked about the importance of recycling on our local environment and our planet. Some of the children in year 4 then presented an assembly to the rest of the school to introduce paper recycling. Finally each class took it in turns to visit Veolia to see what happens to their recycling once it has been collected.
As part of our Roman topic in history we visited The Collection in Lincoln. We really enjoyed learning about life in Roman times and we even got to see what it was like to be a Roman soldier!
We visited Garibaldi school and were taught a range of field work skills by the geography department teachers. We had loads of fun!
As part of our RE work at Newlands each year group learns about a different faith alongside Christianity. In year 4 we learn about Judaism, so we visited the Open Centre in Derby to find out more about the Jewish faith and what it is like in a Synagogue.
Year 4 Team Building Activities