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Newlands Junior School home page

Newlands Junior School

We are Proud

Year 3

Welcome to Year Three:


Here you will find three teachers: Miss McKay, Miss Coupe and Miss Walters. 

Miss Coupe and Miss Walters share Class 1 and Miss McKay teaches Class 2. 




We also have two very talented Teaching Assistants working with us too: Mrs Davies and Mr Redford.



In Year 3, we study three topics - Early Man, Ancient Egypt and Local History (Coal Mining) 


Please ensure you have a water bottle in school every day.


Our P.E days this Spring Term are Thursday and Friday where will be learning Fundamental Skills and Team building. Children should come to school in their P.E kits on these days. Remember our school P.E kit is a plain white polo shirt, and plain navy shorts/joggers. No logos are to be worn. Remember no earrings. 


When it is not PE, please make sure you are wearing the correct uniform - always wearing your tie and black school shoes. 


Children need to read at least 5 times every week at home and the reading diary should be filled in by a grown up. Children should always have their reading diary and reading book with them in school and will earn dojo points for each read they complete at home. They will be heard read in school during DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) 


Homework will be handed out on a Friday and should be completed and brought back into school each Wednesday to be marked. Don't forget to practise your rapid recall each week also. In the reading diary you will find the logins for a range of websites to support learning.