Invaders and Settlers
We love learning about the Invaders and settlers in Year 4! We begin our topic with learning all about the Romans before moving on to learn about the Vikings and Anglo Saxons. We will be looking at who these groups of people were and where they came from, as well as their everyday lives. In a few weeks we will be visiting The Collection Museum in Lincoln to round up the Roman part of our topic which we are really looking forward to. If you want to find our more about what we cover please look at our topic overview and knowledge organiser below. As the topic progresses we will be adding more to this page.
On 7th November 2024 the Year 4 children were using water colours to make Remembrance pictures.

The Year 4 children were ordering invasion of settlers to Britain onto a timeline.

Year 4 visit to Lincoln Museum
Wednesday 16th October 2024
The year 4 children learned about the Romans. We had a fun day out! First we were archaeologists digging for artefacts.
Next we were Roman soldiers wearing all the armour. Marching, charging and roaring at each other.
Finally we visited the museum and handled artefacts from the Roman times, 2000 years ago.
Class 4.........
Class 3........
Maths problem - solving day
On Tuesday 15th October 2024 Year 4's took part in solving maths problems in small groups. They had to work together to solve the problem.

Outdoor Learning
On Thursday 10th October 2024 the Year 4 all went outside to do rubbings of different textures. They discussed patterns they saw and textures they felt.
They made an impressive mosaic with their art work.
Year 4 investigated the best habitat for woodlice and worms.

Year 4 were looking at maps and naming the key features of a map.