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Newlands Junior School

We are Proud

Celebration of Learning

 Celebration of Learning


At Newlands we encourage our pupils to value their learning opportunities showing determination and resillience in order to succeed. We recognise pupils' attitude to learning as well as achievement and reward this in a variety of ways.


Pupils earn dojo points for manners, respect, correct uniform, reading at home, punctuality, effort and achievement. Pupils can choose how they spend their dojos with rewards set by the school council. 


Pupils who read 100 times in a term select a book of their choice. Certificates are given when pupils reach 25, 50 and 75 reads. The class which reads the most times in a week also earns a prize or reward.


Pupils who attend school every day receive a certificate, badge and pencil in our termly superstars and pupils reaching 96% also receive a certificate and pencil. Attendance is celebrated weekly in assembly and a trophey is awarded to the class with the best attendance. If the whole school attendance is above 96% by the end of the year, governors reward pupils with a "wheelathon" event where pupils bring in bikes, scooters, skateboards etc.


In our weekly assembly 2 children from each class receive star of the week awards and termly 2 superstars from each class are chosen for consistently high standards of behaviour, attitude, effort or learning. 




Autumn Celebration Assembly

On Monday 16th December we invited parents and carers to our celebration assembly. These were the 16 children chosen for this term. Well done Superstars!

We also celebrated those children that have attended 96+%

............... and 100% attendance!

100 reads

Each term the children are set a challenge to read every day. These are the children who read everyday and they were rewarded with a book of their choice. This term it was 114 children, next term we want it to be 160 children.

Year 3 and Year 4

Year 5 and Year 6

End of year Superstars Assembly - 19th July 2024

Well done to all the children who have read 100 times during this summer term. They were all allowed to choose a book of their choice. 

Well done to all the children who were chosen this term for being Superstars!

A big well done to the children that have attended school everyday this year! A certificate was given to those children that attendance was 100% for this term and 100% for the whole year!


100 Reads Rewards Books Autumn 2022

These children all received a book for reading 100 times during this term.

100 Reads Awards Spring Term

These children all received a book for reading 100 times during this term.

100 Reads Awards Summer Term

These children all read 100 times during this term.


Autumn 2021 Superstars

100 Read Awards Autumn Term

These children were all fortunate enough to receive a book for their reward for reading 100 times during the Autumn Term.  

Celebration of Learning Spring 2022

100 Reads Awards Spring Term

All of these children received a book token for their reading achievements this term.  

They all read over 100 times during the term.

Celebration of Learning Summer 2022

100 Reads Awards Summer Term

These children all received a book token for reading 100 times throughout the term.

Celebration Assembly Summer 2022

Attendance certificates


Sponsor money winners

Attendance certificates


Sports Day winners


Celebration of Learning Summer 2021

Science Week 2021